Best Japanese Dramas of 2020

What Japanese dramas do best aside from being creative with their plot is how they incorporate societal issues without feeling forced. In fact if done right it makes the writing better overall, put more layer to the characters, give them more motivation, but the best when it completes the drama, revisits incomplete plot points, weave those loosely threads into a  beautiful, masterful narrative. This year there are 3 dramas that execute that perfectly, 2 written by Nogi Akiko and 1 produced by WOWOW. Those 3 are equally masterpiece worthy in my eyes so it is a tossed up which one should take the number 1 spot.

Having said that this year is still a bit weaker than last year where I had 8 great dramas I can one hundred percent recommend (check my 2019 list here), this year I only had 6. There are few factors for that, 1. This pandemic, producers pushed some potentially great dramas to 2021 and some dramas that ended up getting released suffered from episode cuts because of it 2. Many disappointments this year, like that time travel drama full of holes, biography of a famous JPOP icon and lastly one very unrealistic medical drama, just few examples but I can definitely name more.

Before you continue with this article I just want to note that unlike most people who are into Asian dramas I'm not a fan of those cheesy romance dramas, so don't expect to see any those popular dramas on my recommended list. I still include some of them in this article though since I always want to make this helpful to all. I put them on the honorable section. Watching dramas for me is a form of escape so immersion is really important and great acting added so much to that. I also value fascinating theme and stories with attributes ranging from plot intrigue to creative storytelling as those are the ones that captivates me the most. Lastly, I haven't watched Hanazawa Naoki Season 2 so I can't say if it's great, it's been a long time since I watched season 1 and I need to re watch that since I already forgot events that happen in that drama.

Kokoro no Kizu wo Iyasu to Iu Koto

Kokoro no Kizu wo Iyasu to Iu Koto is a timely and heavily emotional drama with a theme that is particular relevant right now. It's about An Kazutaka, a second generation Zainichi korean, and because of that he struggled to find his own identity during his youth, find his place in this world, but once he became a psychiatrist he found that place by helping other people.

It will teach you what mental care is and why it is important. It shows the right way to treat people with mental illness. It totally contradicts what other popular Jdramas from the past that treated this issue with forceful means. You can't fix mental illness by shouting in fact you can't fix mental illness at all.


Another masterpiece from WOWOW last year it is Saka no Tochu no Ie and now kokoro no kizu, Japan is really good at tackling this sensitive issues but it is even better if portrayed more grounded and not too preachy which some Japanese dramas are guilty of doing. Only 4 episodes so you could treat it as a movie with 4 parts. Production is top notch and acting that could probably the best this year but one thing for sure Emoto Tasuku is the best Japanese actor this 2020.

Kotaki Kyodai to Shikuhakku


Disguised as quirky benriya drama, Kyodai is fun to watch at first but ended up really heartwarming in the end. This series didn't start quite strong and it is only at the middle part where it started to show its brilliance but those 2 last episodes is what makes it a masterpiece for me. It has quirky borderline crazy episodes that could lead to an incoherent whole narrative but once you get to the last part of this drama everything will make sense. The last two episodes serve as the last piece of this wonderful heartwarming tale.

Not for people who love to see their eye candy ikemen in their drama but that's good meaning there is less chance the acting will be trash. This one stars two middle aged actors, Furutachi Kanji and Takito Kenichi , both are tremendous actors, one got a solid reputation in Japanese movies and the other has a long list of different type of characters in his resume and could probably be the most underrated actor in Japan. The role for that eye candy goes to Kyoko Yoshine but she's a good actress, there are even moments where she really shines in this drama, casting her seems to be the perfect choice.

MIU 404


Buddy cop genre is starting to rival school dramas in terms of how frequent they appear each season meaning some trash could occur some are even written for the sake of fanservice alone, but sometimes Jdrama gods would smile upon us. This year Nogi Akiko gave us the best buddy cop drama in a long while, the second is Ourorobos, a great drama, but when compared to MIU, it is not even close.

Like Kotaki Kyodai this is also written by Nogi Akiko meaning plot development will be linked to current societal issues, the one in Kyodai arguably hits stronger as it serves as the last piece of that puzzle and definitely makes that whole thing more grandeur in end, but in MIU she might have gone all the way, she critics many ugly sides in our society more particularly in Japan like toxic police  hierarchy system, Japanese delinquent system, witness protection program, migrant worker issues etc. Among all dramas written by her this one is perhaps the most personal to her and it seems she has her own persona inserted in the drama, the police captain Kikyo Yuzuru, all words from this character seems coming from Nogi Akiko herself.


Similar with dele, each episode is movie worthy, it is well written with perfect balance of humour and deep moments. Acting is great Gou Ayano is good like always but it is Hoshino Gen the standout for me, he is a revelation here. I wouldn't be surprised if his future roles would be similar, he is that effective in this drama.

Tokyo Love Story 2020

In the midst of artificial, sugar fest love stories from time to time we see something grounded, raw and real, not your typical romance you would see in a modern Japanese dramas. It gives you the same feeling as those jdramas from the 90s which you shouldn't be surprised since it's a reimagine of the classic Japanese drama "Tokyo Love Story", but it is even more raw in a way that its anti-rom approach is something would only see portrayed on indie movies. They throw all the cheesiness that could make the drama entertaining, but instead what you get is a drama that is so fascinating and immersive at the same time.

Like I've mentioned this version is not a remake but a re-imagine, reimagining the same story beats but executed differently to fit the theme of the modern times. Woman empowerment is more pronounced and they introduced a different but fascinating philosophy on love which could possibly the first time it was explored on a tv series.  I just wish it would find its way on Netflix platform sometime in the future because it seems those are the right audience for this show. I also can't help but notice there is an uncanny resemblance between this version of Tokyo Love Story and Final Fantasy 7 remake, a video game and a drama series you may ask how do I come up with that comparison. Tokyo love story got the same treatment where characters are more flesh out and story beats that made more sense. Both got so much hate from people who are stucked from the past, try to remove your nostalgic glasses for once.

Top notch production, great cinematography, exceptional ost and tour de force performance from Ishibashi Shizuka. If you are into the more realistic side of the romance genre this is a must watch.

Check my full review here

Isekai Izakaya "Nobu"

This one is perhaps the biggest surprise this year. I didn't expect this to be this good especially once I read the synopsis, like seriously an Isekai live action food drama, it has all the signs that it could fail but I guess WOWOW did its magic again. Production value has higher priority than getting the latest trending actors which resulted to not only competent acting but some really good cinematography, great music that makes up the total look of the show. Watching Japanese actors portraying western characters was a bit off at first but those characters eventually will grow on you. Blend between comedy and serious moments were spot on.


The concept of Japanese culture (Japanese food) merge into medieval period or at least Japan's idea of what that period looks like (ex. anime, JRPGS fire emblem etc.), is a breath of fresh air among the influx of food dramas from Japan.

Raise de wa Chanto Shimasu

2020 is the year where we see some of the wildest, what in the fridge did I watch type of plot, like for example, Yuki Yamada as a Psychopath who goes under his student's bed while naked in Homeroom, Hayami Mokomichi as that stalker masochist CEO in Kono Otoko wa Jinsei Saidai no Ayamachidesu, and in this drama Uchida Rio portrays a woman who has 5 different sex partners. It is wrong on so many different levels but if you don't take it seriously like I do there's a chance you will enjoy it too, though it would be understandable if it is not for you especially in our world today where people are getting more sensitive with everything.


What separates Raise de wa Chanto Shimasu from these wild and crazy dramas is it feels ironically wholesome at times. You would see characters who all respect each other from their differences and how I love to have colleagues like them in my life. The acting is kind of good too, the comic part is spot on which makes the drama my best comedy drama of 2020.

Check my full review here

Below are dramas that didn't make my recommended list but are still good dramas nonetheless.



Youkai Sharehouse

The quintessential Japanese drama of 2020, it is what Japanese dramas are best known for, thought provoking, empowering and full of life lessons. I would have put this in my recommended list if some episodes are at least half as good as episode 6. That one is my favorite by far and I especially love how they insert gyaru element to fit the theme in that episode. That dance at the ending is so epic, freaking random but also has a heartful message like you will only experience that in Jdramas. LOL

Furo Girl


Furo Girl is a unique and fun experience. The directing is superb with the use of classical music that makes some scenes really epic. The acting is just not consistent and the drama also feels repetitive at times. Still an enjoyable watch, episodes are short and who would have thought that taking a bath can be this epic, fun and philosophical.

Check my full review here

Shiro demo Kuro demonai Sekai de, Panda wa Warau

Japan's answer to hollywood's weird superhero film "kickass". It's fun to watch but if you don't get Japanese humor you won't like it as much as I do. The action scenes are legit; the main lead Seino Nana has experience in martial arts. She's not the typical cute girl thrown into action scenes then with the use of some editing magic just to make the act believable. Yokohama Ryusei seems to know his stuff too. The acting is pretty decent knowing this can be over the top but there are scenes where it got seriously emotional and actors nailed that too. The romance is pretty minimal but that's already given since it's a non romance genre. Lastly the song "Bad Guy" by Billie Eilish fits the random but fun vibe of the show. It's awesome.

Oyabaka Seishun Hakusho

Written and directed by Fukuda Yuichi so definitely the humor of this show is not for everyone, even me who loves the work from this director must admit that the humor went over the top at times. Among all the dramas written by him this is the one that should be relatable to everyone, no more JRPG reference, Japanese Yankee culture or Anime this one is just straight college life. Muro Tsuyoshi plays the over protective father but he is not the same cardboard cutout doting parent, he even joined his daughter's group of friends and that one makes this drama fresh in a way, the writer also plays with Japan's version of boomer vs zoomer thingy. Characters are good, their comedic timing is great, and my favorite is definitely the YouTuber with only 20 subscribers Negoro, they even made an account on his name on YouTube and after the drama the account got 300k+ subscribers. LOL

Arimura Kasumi no Satsukyu

Slice of life drama that follows the life of the fictionalized Arimura Kasumi, It is not even episodic at all, you can think each episodes as short stories without continuation. Some are dialogue heavy, some are too arthouse for my taste, but some are really good heartwarming plot full of life lessons, episode one is even directed by Hirokazu Koreeda himself. Acting is decent for the most part, lacking in some parts, but great in 2-3 episodes. Goes to show that with the right director Arimura Kasumi can excel just like that in opening episode.

Check my full review here

Ryu no Michi: Futatsu no Kao no Fukushusha

It's well written revenge drama in my opinion, kind of reminds me of revenge Japanese drama flicks from early 2000s to 2010 but the problem is it's a bit melodramatic for my taste. Its overly emotional nature makes some events unrealistic at times, melodrama for the sake of an engaging storytelling, but the human drama element is without a doubt unmatched. For a revenge themed drama no one here felt like caricatures, human condition was well explored not just for the main characters but for the side characters as well, especially the main villain.

Sixteen Shoukougun

Among teen angst driven dramas that seems to be the trend recently, sixteen is I think my favorite next to Boku wa Mari no Naka. Love the dynamics between these four characters, acting is kinda strong too. Aisa and Itagaki Mizuka are two of the best under 20 actors in Japan, Takeda Rena who could really be the dark horse of this very talented group of up and coming actresses is good in this drama, even Goto Yutaro who for now specializes with this type of role got acting chops.

Boku Dake ga 17-sai no Sekai de

This drama seems to be a love letter to classic Japanese tearjerker dramas, it even have some iconic moments and famous songs inserted in some scenes. It's well written, tight story, with only 8 episodes (30 minutes each), and yet the drama manages to utilize its short running time, make the drama engaging with good pacing, intriguing mystery, great character development and subtle OST. The cast is amazing, both Iitoyo Marie and Sano Hayato are great as leads.

Kono Otoko wa Jinsei Saidai no Ayamachidesu

If you like weird romantic comedy this is a must watch. It's about this stalker CEO who is obsessed with one of his employees, but just don't take it seriously and if it happen to you in real life, just call the cops. Japanese comedy at best which kind of remind me of Densha Otoko based on its over the top moments. The problem is the drama felt repetitive from middle to end and I really don't like its uninspired ending. Acting-wise both actors needs to be commended, it's not easy to say those absurd lines while keeping a straight face.

Check my full review here

Honorable section

Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Doko Made mo

In every year there is that one drama that stand out for being so cheesy but more importantly giving you that doki doki moment that everyone loves, last year it is coffee and vanilla, few years before that the uber popular Itazura na Kiss, and this year Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Doko Made mo takes that spot. What makes it different though is its actors, these are not your typical actors who would take such roles, for one Sato Takeru is an A-List actor and Mone Kamishiraishi is pretty darn good for her age and honestly pretty much carried the whole drama for me. The only reason it didn't make my list is because this drama is not for me, you probably can tell that by now.

Check my full review here

Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru

I expect this to be dark revenge type of genre but ended up feeling experimental to me. It's like a mesh of different ingredients, mexican soap opera with manga characters from Japan then pour korean makjang stories on top. The result is something weird that makes me wants to vomit; I guess it's bitter unlike the sweets they showcase in this drama, and speaking of sweets, those are the only reason why I keep on watching this drama. I am fascinated with Japanese culture and traditional Japanese sweets is something new to me, this drama did a really great job showing that they are not only an appetizing piece but also a form of art. I didn't like this drama but I am sure 80-90% of jdrama fans would love this show, the acting is good too, Hamabe Minami and Yokohama Ryusei fits their roles really well and they got great chemistry so there you go.

Check my full review here


I open this article by saying how Jdramas are good at exploring societal issues in their stories and one of them is mental health. It's no secret that Japan has some serious problems in terms of how they deal with this issue, the stigma about it. There need to be more people to talk about it and not only those who care like people behind these dramas. 2020 is a bad year for Japanese entertainment industry, many celebrities died just because of it. They may have rest in peace and hopefully they are now in a better place.


  1. It's been a while since I start watching dorama again. And I just finished Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Doko Made mo. I agree with everything you said. I fall in love with Sato Takeru (again).

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed 'Kono Otoko wa Jinsei Saidai no Ayamachidesu' and the lead actress has a lot of potential.
    Haven't seen most of those recommended but Arimura Kasumi is doing a pretty good job on 'Nee-chan no Koibito'

  3. I am so happy o found this blog. Thanks for all the recommendations I will definitely comment in the articles that i will read.

  4. I just finished Love Lasts Forever and Something's wrong with Us. I have to say I laughed so hard at the description you gave for the latter. After watching just 1 episode, I told my friend that he should definitely watch it; but the turn of events and the story was so immense and sudden and mixed that every 5 minutes till the end of the series I changed sides from "omg it's not good at all, I should tell him not to watch it" to "omg this is freaking good, good thing I told him to watch it" :) a wild ride it was! but in the end I liked it! thanks for your helpful blog; i'm going to start Tokyo Love Story.

  5. Nice blog man, i like your reviews and comments. Do you have a twitter i can follow you on?

  6. Had a great time with your recommendations. Right now I finished "Kokoro no Kizu wo Iyasu to Iu Koto", which is absolutely lovely. Hope you are OK since you hadn't published this year. Hope to read you soon!

  7. Got a lot of good recommendations from here! I wonder if you've watched Cherry Magic though, it's one of my favorite jdramas of all time��

  8. Watched "Byoshitsu de Nembutsu o Tonaenaide Kudasai (2020)" and although I don't think it is for a lot of people (does not shy away from evil, Buddhist background of the character might not make him relatable at first - which serves the actual plot), I still think it is a masterpiece where characters grow each episode, so each episode does not only build from the last one but also gets better and better.

    One of the best Medical Dramas I have watched (not too many I am afraid)


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