Top 10 Must See Suda Masaki Dramas and Movies
Suda Masaki is one of the best young Japanese actors right now. He is young but it doesn't mean he lack experience, his filmography if you check is as long as Nile River. He is known for his versatility as he plays different roles with ease. Most people regard him as an intense actor, the type who would pour all his heart to a role, but his acting is not all shouting and animated gestures, he can act subtly when needed, and most of those roles you can find in his art house movie projects. Also if you want to know why critics considered him one of the best it's not because of his popularity but for the respect he gained from festival judges around the world. 1. 3 Nen A Gumi: Ima kara Mina-san wa, Hitojichi Desu School drama with insane premise, the Teacher kidnaps his students 10 days before their graduation. As you watch the drama you would ask yourself why he did that, is he insane or is this his method to discipline this group problematic students, but as the story pr