Innocent Days Review

Drama: Innocent Days
Romaji: Inosenta Deizu
Japanese: イノセント・デイズ
Director: Kei Ishikawa
Actors: Satoshi Tsumabuki, Yuko Takeuchi, Hirofumi Arai, Kyoko Yoshine, Kimiko Yo, Aimi Satsukawa, Kaya Kiyohara
Writer: Kazumasa Hayami (novel), Noriko Goto
Network: WOWOW

Shinichi Sasaki (Satoshi Tsumabuki) looks at his childhood friend Yukino Tanaka (Yuko Takeuchi) in court. Yukino Tanaka is sentenced to death. She is allegedly caused that fire that killed her ex-boyfriends wife and child. Shinichi Sasaki knows his childhood friend very well and in his mind she is innocent. He wants to save Yukino Tanaka and meets people who knew her including her sister and former classmates.

One of the best dramas I've seen in recent years. From the first episode alone this drama series will make you engage to the story, they have done a great job of introducing the characters, showing their motives and hinting where the story will go.

This is episodic in a way that each episode will focus on one character that knows Yukino, where each of them blame themselves as to what have become to Yukino's life. There are two mysteries present in this drama, first is who committed the crime and second is what kind of life she had.This drama is by no means boring since it has mindboggling plot twist and clever puzzles but what's fascinating here is to see what kind of life Yukino had, this drama will make you feel bad for her. Also, the drama element is strong here, and I'll be honest there are couple scenes that got me teary eyed especially seeing them still caring for each other after so many years.

 The drama has a bit of a dark tone which brilliantly supports the plot. The music underlines the mood in each scene, builds tension and evokes feelings of each character. Stellar acting from the cast especially Takeuchi Yoko and Tsubamuki Satoshi, both character have traits that unique to them and the way they act is remarkable. Once scene that impresses me the most is during their final scene together, I felt tension building up and having no music in that scene really helps.

To call it a masterpiece is a bit of a stretch but if you love mystery, drama and thought provoking stories then it is a must watch. Thanks to the subber if not for him/her I wouldn't have been able to watch this fantastic drama.


  1. Innocent Days - I have to admit this one starts relatively slowly (it's not bad though) but it builds the tale and character motivations well....the last 2 eps are very good with the last ep 10/10. Talk about nerve wracking!
    Huge thanks to the subtitler for letting me watch this. At last a serious drama that delivers - in spades.


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